
Day 8

Scripture: Romans 15:7 (ESV)

“Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.”

Today’s Prayer:

Gracious Father, we praise You as the Creator of all humanity, the One who formed every person in Your image. We exalt You for the beautiful tapestry You’ve woven through the diverse heritage of our nation.

We confess the times we’ve allowed our differences to divide us, forgetting that our common identity as Americans transcends our individual backgrounds. Forgive us when we’ve rejected others instead of welcoming them as Christ welcomes us.

As Paul teaches in Romans, we ask that You would help us truly welcome one another as Christ has welcomed us. Guide our nation to recognize and celebrate our shared heritage while honoring our diverse stories. Help us see that our differences make us stronger when we unite under Your banner of love.

We yield to Your perfect plan for our national unity, trusting that You can weave our many threads into a beautiful tapestry of harmony and shared purpose. May our welcome of each other bring glory to Your name.
