
Day 1

Proverbs 11:14 (NIV)

“Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.”

Today’s Prayer:

Sovereign Lord of all Creation, we exalt You as the source of all wisdom and the foundation of all true guidance. Your Word tells us that “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,” and we stand in awe of Your perfect knowledge and understanding.

We humbly acknowledge our tendency to rely on human wisdom alone, often seeking guidance from earthly sources while neglecting to seek Your divine counsel first. Forgive us for times we’ve chosen political expediency over godly wisdom.

As Proverbs 11:14 reminds us, safety comes through an abundance of wise counsel. We ask that You would grant our Congressional leaders the wisdom to seek and heed godly advice. Guide them to trusted counselors who will speak truth with grace. Grant them discernment to recognize Your wisdom and the courage to follow it, especially as they begin this new legislative session.

Yet above all, we yield to Your perfect plan for our nation. While we pray for wisdom in our governance, we trust that Your ways are higher than our ways, and Your thoughts higher than our thoughts. Help us to trust Your guidance, even when it differs from our human understanding.
